Wednesday, May 5, 2010

05th Year Part of The Work Force

It was 05th May 2005, when I first got my first job.

05 05 05 lucky not Buku "555". Hutang banyak lo~!

Let me tell you the story on how I got my first job.

I remember finish my Diploma in end of 2004, I thought of slacking for the next 6 month before I start my job hunt.

Guess what~! My dad was like screaming and giving me the "look" everyday and asking me.

Dad - U found a job?

Good son - "Still searching, Pa"

Days goes by, then week, then weeks then Month and monthssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss~!! I was like slacking for the pass 3 to 4 months then. Finally, my dad was searching the newspapers and told me the vacancies.
Thanks dad for helping your lazy son here.

One of the post that he gave me was a project in Bakun Hydro Electric Dam in Sarawak. I was keen with it as I can be in the jungle and the best part it’s a mega project with the budget of 1 Billion USD then.
But before that, have to prepare my CV. My first job, what can I write. I don’t even remember what I wrote in my resume. Must be a disaster I believe.

Anyhow with my dad's advice i produce something at the very least. I sent my resume via fax. Then they called me for an interview. I was overjoyed and blur at the same time. U know y? Cause this is my first interview too.

So tried to learn more about the project, the company (can't find anything cause its a small company then), and some read up on interview skills.

The day come for interview, I dress to kill with my long sleeves shirt, khakis pant and leather shoes, with my hair comb neatly.

The interview was at 1pm, I arrive 10 minutes earlier. By the way the office was in Bandar Bukit Tinggi, Klang which is about 30 minutes away from my house then.

Arrive at the office, then told the accounts staff I was here for interview. So she pass me the application form. I filled them in. After finish, pass them up and wait for my turn to meet the boss.

I was sweating, nervous, scared and feeling blur before I enter the office. As usual, the introduction, Mr.Khor aka the boss.

Then the interview begins, some how I felt it more like a conversation instead. It was good. By something caught my eye when I saw a 12" pile of resumes. I was like "No chance for me to get this job le" U know why, cause I saw the top resume states that he was a Degree holder of a local uni and graduated like in 2000 which means he has experience in the industry. Then I told myself, what the heck just give him my best shot le and enjoy my first attempt in interview~!

The boss did not ask me much about my stuf as he knows I'm fresh and the only thing he is interested is that if I'm willing to go to Bakun to work. I immediately say yes. Most of the time he was telling me about his 4 years old company and the projects that they are undertaking at the moment.

I was like interesting. After about 30 minutes, the interview end and I went home to tell everything about it to my dad. I told myself to continue to search for a new job as I saw a lot of resumes on his desk so I din put much hope.

Then after 3 days, Mr. Khor called me and asks me to go for second interview. I quickly say ok.

Second Interview.

Interviewer - 2nd boss - Mr. Lim

The interview got technical this time. He was asking me situations and also how do I conduct measurements and claims. It was just like college. Everything was ok~!

Then he asked me the same question again as Mr. Khor - "Are you sure you want to go to Bakun?" Without thinking I said “Yes"

And he showed me pictures of the condition in Bakun. It was quite bad as we were place in a accommodation at about 300 square feet for 4 persons on 2 double decker beds.
I just continue with confident saying "Yes, I'm willing to take this job"

He he he~! I must be gila one le~! But anyway I wan something new and the thing that made me wanna to get this job is because of the opportunity to be part of Malaysia's mega project.

The final question from Mr. Lim was - “When can you start?". I said "Anytime"

He said "Good" But he did not say "You're hired"

He say he will talk to the rest of the partners as there are 3 of them.

So I when back~! Anyway looks promising. By then I still haven't gone to any other interviews yet. Still looking for a job.

But cut things short. (After writing long windingly)

I actually got that job despite the whole pile of resume and the second interview and so~!

I was so happy, cause on my first attempt in interview and i land my first job. So I proud to say my success rate was 100% then.

And i started work on 05th May 2005~!!!!!! Now I'm a workin adult for the past 5 years. Many things that I have learn. Its also good to earn money and have salary bank in at the end of the month~! he he he~!

My advice to all the freshie out there, if you wanna to leave college soon to get into the work force. I say it’s more fun to be in college with assignments, friends, parties and you guys fill in the blanks~!

I shall post a blog on the interview skills later on~!
Final words Happy 5th Annivesary. I hope that I can retire by the age of 45.

God bless me~!

1 comment:

  1. walao le... not bad wor... but hor, if can attach some pic more nice la.


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